Pannon Observatory – Bakonybél
The number one complex, astronomical educational center of Hungary.

An astronomical and space research exhibition is waiting for you on 400 m2 at the Pannon Observatory. You can get to know the famous Gibeon meteorite, some antique telescopes, the discoveries and experiments of Galileo and Newton, the astronomical navigation applied by sailors and the greatest expeditions of space research: the Moon mission (Apollo Program) and the exploration of Mars. The experts of the Pannon Observatory provide free guided tours for groups that registered in advance!

The Pannon Observatory has the most modern digital planetarium of Hungary. The 3D picture with a resolution twice of the HD picture, projected onto the hemi-globe shaped dome with a diameter of 8 meters, together with the 5.1 surround sound system take us on an unforgettable cosmic journey while we are sitting in the armchairs known from the IMAX movies.

Under the telescope dome of the Observatory, which has a diameter of 5.5 meters, visitors will find a telescope park complying even with scientific requirements. In addition to showing the structure and operation of the telescopes, visitors can have a look at the Sun with the special H-alpha telescope if there are no clouds. Due to the currently increased Solar activity, it is an especially exciting discovery!
Opening Hours of daytime in 2024
(until November 3rd)
Wednesday – Sunday: 10 am – 5 pm
Last planetarium show at 4 pm
Box office closing at 4 pm
Last time you can buy ticket: 4pm
Programs for groups based on individual requests.
Night programs in 2024
(until November 3rd)
Wednesday & Thursday for groups (please contact us in advance)
Friday & Saturday for individuals (tickets are available in our webshop)
The 120-150 minutes long programs starts in months
April, September, October at 9 pm
and in months
May, June, July, August at 10 pm
Programs for groups based on individual requests.
Please be advised that the friday and saturday programs are entirely in Hungarian!
E-mail: / Telephone (during opening hours): +36 88 461 245
Ticket prices, programs
Basic program package (exhibition and one planetarium movie)
Full price tickets: 3500 HUF
Discounted tickets (students, seniors etc.): 2800 HUF
Family ticket (2 adults + 2 children under age 18): 10000 HUF
The basic program package ticket covers the visiting of the exhibition and one planetarium movie.
Additional programs:
Film+ tickets: 1200 HUF
Observatory + solar telescope ticket: 750 HUF
Entry for children up to 3 years of age is available with a 200 HUF registration ticket.
For groups, 1 free escort ticket after 15 persons. (Please contact us in advance!)
Pannon Observatory – Daytime programs
All these programs make up approx. 1.5 hours, as requested. Since the majority of the daytime program does not depend on the weather, the Pannon Observatory is a tourist destination that can be planned safely.
An astronomical and space research exhibition is waiting for you on 400 m2 at the Pannon Observatory. You can get to know the famous Gibeon meteorite, some antique telescopes, the discoveries and experiments of Galileo and Newton, the astronomical navigation applied by sailors and the greatest expeditions of space research: the Moon mission (Apollo Program) and the exploration of Mars.
The experts of the Pannon Observatory provide free guided tours for groups that registered in advance!
The Pannon Observatory has the most modern digital planetarium of Hungary. The 3D picture with a resolution twice of the HD picture, projected onto the hemi-globe shaped dome with a diameter of 8 meters, together with the 5.1 surround sound system take us on an unforgettable cosmic journey while we are sitting in the armchairs known from the IMAX movies.
Attention! The ticket includes one planetarium show only!
Film+ tickets are available depending on the capacity of the planetarium.
The Realm of the Stars (22 minutes, for everybody from elementary school kids to seniors)
The shows start at every hour (from 11 am to 4 pm) in Hungarian.
The new 3D planetarium show presents the life, development and annihilation of the stars, the various types of star clusters and the world of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Besides the special animations, you will see the starlit skyscapes of the Bakony and the Balaton Uplands.
Oasis in Space (22 minutes, for everybody from elementary school kids to seniors)
In English it starts at 12:30 pm.
The 3D planetarium show made by the Denver Museum of Nature & Science presents our Solar System, the planets and – among them – our Earth as an oasis in space.
Black Holes (22 minutes, for middle school graduates, high schoolers)
In English it starts at 2:30 pm.
This 3D super movie made by the Denver Museum of Nature & Science shows the mystery of the dark forces of the Universe and the cosmic “predators”.
Under the telescope dome of the Observatory, which has a diameter of 5.5 meters, visitors will find a telescope park complying even with scientific requirements. At daylight – and of course only in great weather condition – we can show you our speciel Solar telescope with a filter which can protect our eye from any injuries but can make visible interesting solar activities such as sunspot, prominence or ejectas.
Note that this part of the program has an additional fee beside the basic program package!
Uniformly for everyone:
Ticket price: 5000 HUF
Attention! The night program can only be visited by people over the age of 10.
For groups, 1 free escort ticket after 15 persons. (Please contact us in advance!)
Pannon Observatory – Night programs
This program is a guided by our experts who will try their best to show you the most spectacular astronomical phenomena and to help you understand the processes in the Universe. The clear weather program is a priority and your guide will always look out for the possibility.
Clear sky weather program
The night program strongly depends on the weather, however when the sky is cloudless observations with telescope are available. Visitors can observe various celestial bodies (planets, galaxies, star clusters, nebulas etc. – depending on their visibility) with different telescopes from which the greatest collect the light from the faint and distant objects with a 40 cm mirror.
Also on the clear sky we guide you through the night sky with a laser pointer on our constellation tour. We can learn about the legends of the constellation, we can learn to navigate by the stars and we get a chance to unterstand the basic operation of celestial mechanics.
Cloudy weather program
Sometimes the unfortunate happenstance of bad weather situation do not allow us to use our telescopes for observation, however we are prepared with alternative programs. When we can’t see the currently interesting objects on the sky, we give small presentation about the most fascinating development of astronomy and space exploration.
Besides we can simulate the night sky on our planetarium, thus we can arrange a virtual constellation tour. We can learn as well about the legends of the constellation, we can learn to navigate by the stars and we get a chance to unterstand the basic operation of celestial mechanics, and it can be in some way more spectacular than the real sky.
Planetarium movie
Regardless of the weather our night program includes the 30 minutes long planetarium movie called Acta Galilei. The film tells us the tale of the famous italian astronomer, physicist, engineer and polymath, who discovered Jupiter’s four great moons and who was one of the greatest advocate of heliocentric model. The beautiful italian scenery flavoured with cosmic knowledge leads us through one of the most important milestone in the evolution of science.
The Pannon Observatory reserves the right to change the program.